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【专家解说】:blast 规则变化 n. 1. (一阵)疾风(或气流等)[C] A blast of wind blew my hat off. 一阵风吹走了我的帽子。 2. (喇叭等的)突然吹奏[C] He gave a blast on his trumpet. 他突然吹起喇叭。 A blast of the trumpet gave her a start. 突然发出的喇叭声吓了她一跳。 3. 爆炸,爆破[C] 4. 冲击波,气浪[U] 5. 【美】【俚】狂欢会[C];狂欢 That was a great party. I had a blast. 那个宴会很棒,我玩得尽兴极了。 6. 猛烈的批评;狠狠的一击[C] The leader of the opposition delivered a blast at the President. 反对党领袖对总统进行了猛烈抨击。 vt. 1. 炸开,炸出,炸掉[O] The front gate was blasted open with a cannon. 前门被大炮轰开了。 2. 使枯萎,损毁 The dry hot wind blasted the seedlings. 干热的风使秧苗枯萎。 3. 吹奏 The taxi-driver blasted the horn continuously. 出租车司机不停地按喇叭。 4. 严厉批评;强烈谴责 The newspapers blasted the political corruption. 报纸对政治腐败加以强烈谴责。 5. 喷出,爆发出 6. (后接it或其他宾语)诅咒 7. 击毙[(+down)] The bandit was blasted down. 匪徒被击毙。 vi. 1. 爆炸;轰击 2. 猛烈抨击 3. 飞速行进 The truck blasted toward the terminal. 卡车向终点疾驰。 最后帮你造几句 Direct damage to structures attributable to air blast can take various forms. 空中爆震对建筑结构物造成的直接破坏可能有多种形式。 He knew that he could not transform society by one bugle blast. 他知道,改造社会不能一蹴而就。 He was working at full blast. 他正以最高的效率工作着。 A balmy breeze refreshed us after the sultry blast. 热浪过后,阵阵微风使我们恢复了精力。 Blast! I've burnt the toast. 真倒霉! 我把面包片烤0p胡了. Dynamic loading is produced by seismic forces, non-steady wind, blast, reciprocating machinery. 动荷载是由于地震力、不稳定的风、冲击波,往复式机器所产生。 Infected plants may be dwarfed, mature early, suffer severe blast. 被侵植株矮化,早熟,严重枯萎。 To smelt iron ore in a blast furnace can obtain iron. 在高炉中熔炼铁矿石,可取得铁。 The unseen ferry-boat was blowing blast after blast. 那看不见的渡船,一阵又一阵地发出汽笛声。 I'm almost sure he had seen Albie blast me but I'll never know. 我几乎可以肯定他看见了阿比尔揍我,但又说不太准。


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