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【专家解说】:Today's society is a highly developed technological society. However, the shortcomings in the development process are obvious, such as: carbon dioxide, and environmental pollution. But the most serious should be the carbon dioxide problem. Now the problem of global warming because of excess emissions of greenhouse gases. Excessive amount of carbon dioxide emissions, creating a diversified economy and La Nina phenomena lag disorder. Two levels of glaciers melting, polar animals lose their chance of survival at the same time, will lead to rising sea levels, many coastal cities into the water did not result in a few years later. Therefore, we must take the necessary measures to reduce the environmental impact of carbon dioxide. For example: tree-planting activities, reduce fossil fuel use, we can from our own, to promote low-carbon living. 翻译: 今天的社会是一个高度发达的技术的社会。然而,在发展过程中缺陷是很明显的,如:二氧化碳气体,污染环境。但是最严重的应该是二氧化碳的问题。 现在全球变暖问题,因为过量的排放温室气体的含量。过多的二氧化碳排放量,创造多种经营,拉尼娜现象出现滞后现象失调。两个层次的冰川融化,极地动物失去了生存的机会同时,将导致海平面上升,许多沿海城市都在水不导致数年之后。因此,我们必须采取必要的措施,以减少环境影响的二氧化碳排放。 例如:植树活动,减少化石燃料的使用,我们可以从我们自己的国家,促进低碳生活。


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