micro tree,micro plant,micro garden

品牌: 国内
用途: 常规
包装规格: 常规
单价: 2.20元/件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 江西 新余市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-08-29 12:56
浏览次数: 67
  • 上海梦卉缘生物科技发展有限公司
  • 联系人杜保功 (先生) 销售经理 
  • 邮件mhy91@gmail.com
  • 电话13641707402
  • 手机13641707402
  • 地址上海上海上海市浦东新区孙桥现代农业开发区三灶浜路1450弄
micro tree,micro plant,micro garden详细说明
micro tree,micro plant,micro garden的详细内容如下:

Micro tree is the nickname of mini plants. Micro tree is a "real mini plant " inside a tiny bell jar with a mobile phone accessories and a keyring attachment.They can grow strong and healthy inside a self-contained plastic bell.They are portable and you can enjoy the fun of seeing them grow anytime anywher. unlike other ornamental garden plants,Environment-friendly pet trees not only help character buiding of children but also help busy people of our times be in touch with nature. Pet tree is the latest invention and it is incredibly small that you can bring it along with you all days. You can now enjoy 'the fun of raising plants,the scents of joy' with Micro trees. Pet tree... Carry & Grow your Universe and Nature in the min cell.voodoodoll is the news producs.

核心提示:以上是micro tree,micro plant,micro garden的详细介绍内容,该产品信息micro tree,micro plant,micro garden是由上海梦卉缘生物科技发展有限公司提供,如果要了解micro tree,micro plant,micro garden更多的详细内容请与该公司的相关人员联系!

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