
品牌: 品牌信息
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 安徽 淮北市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-12-18 14:49
浏览次数: 84
  • 上海冰航实业有限公司
  • 联系人黄晓燕 (先生) 经理 
  • 邮件shbinghang@gmail.com
  • 电话13681998602
  • 手机13681998602
  • 地址中国 上海 上海 浦东新区 航头镇航都路25号9号楼
供应一次性冰袋(图)、转瞬降温的详细内容如下:   公司致力于生产低温冰袋、冰盒、保冷剂、冷热敷理疗袋、柔软冰袋、一次性冰袋、一次性热袋、冰皇、蓝冰、冷热袋、冰眼罩/头带/面具/腰带/鞋垫、红酒冰袋、可乐冰套、冷冻液等产品和提供OEM服务。 产品图片: 产品说明:一次性冰袋、热袋: 适用范围:帮助控制及减轻因轻微扭伤、撞伤、拉伤、烧伤等引起的瘀肿,疼痛,并迅速消除因发烧、头痛、牙痛、蚊虫咬伤等引起的疼痛及不适。在没有冷源的场所,短时间内冰冻保鲜蔬菜、水果、啤酒、饮料、食品等。 使用方法:找到冰袋里面的液体包,用力捏破内袋,3秒钟内即可致冷,并上下抖动使内容物充分混合,冰袋会在2分钟内使冰点降至0℃以下。 注意事项:冰袋仅供外用,如内容物接触眼睛或皮肤,应用清水彻底清洗。如不慎误食内容物,应饮下大量清水及尽量吐出,必要时应联系医生。为防止温度过低,刚开始使用时最好用毛巾或棉布包裹,如使用者循环系统有病,应先请教医生。 特性:本品无需冷源,瞬间致冷,随身携带、使用方便。 Instant Ice/Hot Pack:Usage:Find the liquid bag in the ice bag and break it . 3 seconds later the bag will freeze. At the same time you should shake the bag up and down to make the content fully mixed, and the temperature will decreased below zero by the ice bag in 2 minutes. Purpose:1.To control and alleviate the gore and pain caused by strain, bruise, or burn, also can rapidly remove the pain and discomfort induced by fever, headache, toothache, mosquito bite ,etc.2.Freeze and keep fresh vegetable, fruit, beer, beverage and food and so on when sometimes cold source isn’t available. Precaution:The ice bag can only be used for external medication. If eye or skin should contact the content, it must be washed by clean water thoroughly. If one eats the content by mistake, he must drink enough water, try his best to vomit it and turn to doctor when necessary.In order to avoid a too low temperature, you had better enwrap the ice bag with a tower or cotton cloth to begin with. Those who have something wrong with their circulation system should refer to a doctor in advance.Characteristic:This product can refrigerate the circumstance instantly without cold source and be easily used due to its portability. Purpose:1.To control and alleviate the gore and pain caused by strain, bruise2.Freeze and keep fresh vegetable, fruit, beer   产品原理:该产品基于医学冷疗(冷敷)原理,使患处或需保健部位产生冷却效果而致血管收缩,从而达到抑制肿胀、舒缓疼痛、消除疲劳的目的。通过使人体物理降温,缓解拉伤、扭伤、擦伤、轻度烫伤、牙疼、头疼、发烧等引起的不适。产品温度最低可达-6℃,环境温度为27℃时可持续80分钟左右。 Instant hot packIt is the fast and effective way to apply heat treatment to knocks,bruises and sprains.Disposable , Non-toxic, Non-causticInstant hot Pack:Find the liquid bag inside and break it. Within 3 seconds, it will bring you up to the hot temperature at most 55°C.Use them to help managing the pain of muscular aches, arthritis, sports injuries, and swellings.Providesinstant hot therapy….Squeeze inner sachet until it bursts..Shake vigorously until pack is hot..Apply directly or with a cover..Store out of the reach of young children. Do not use unsupervised..Store at room temperature..Do not puncture..Various sizes and packing available..Customized sizes and packing acceptable..MSDS available and CE approved.   真诚希望与国内外企业合作,与同行企业一起努力,共同创造冷热敷产业辉煌明天!! 以下照片由指定第三方公司于2014年01月实地上门拍摄,并经独立权威机构核实认证!17781


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