
品牌: 品牌信息
型号: BH-HW640B
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 安徽 淮北市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-12-18 14:50
浏览次数: 79
  • 上海冰航实业有限公司
  • 联系人黄晓燕 (先生) 经理 
  • 邮件shbinghang@gmail.com
  • 电话13681998602
  • 手机13681998602
  • 地址中国 上海 上海 浦东新区 航头镇航都路25号9号楼
供应理疗热袋/暖手宝/热袋/热宝/暖宝宝/冰袋的详细内容如下:   公司致力于生产低温冰袋、冰盒、保冷剂、冷热敷理疗袋、柔软冰袋、一次性冰袋、一次性热袋、冰皇、蓝冰、冷热袋、冰眼罩/头带/面具/腰带/鞋垫、红酒冰袋、可乐冰套、冷冻液等产品和提供OEM服务。 产品图片:  High quality goods, reasonable price, puntual dilivery and goodwill would guarantee our cooperations. Magic instant heat pack, reusable, portable, durable, safe and non-toxic .Great idea for promotion gifts,and useful for our daily life. Customized shapes, sizes and printings are welcome.  3. only for external use, cannot be eaten.2. When the bag is in the heating state, please do not press the heating piece, in case that it caused trouble and lost effect.1. Avoid sharpness, throw, impact, etc.[Precaution]For hot compress, keep warm, and more[Application]This product is made of biological material by high-tech process. It is clean, nontoxic, elastic, and non-pollution, and can be used repeatedly[Characteristic]  3. Non-toxic, non-caustic2. Can be reusable unlimitedly1. Warm your hand or somewher else on your skinAccessional introduction This product can give you hot/heat source when you want to heat your hand or your skin somewher else.Brief introduction:  Non-toxic non-caustic Contents: Sodium acetate. waterDon’t puncture or abrade the bag with spiculate stick .Don’t press the button if the bag is releasing heat .Turn to a doctor when necessaryNOT for eat and make it away from children .Precaution: 2. The liquid should turn cool and you can use it according to the step of the first use .The bag shall turn cold after you make use of it for about 90 minutes . You should heat it in the boiled water for 5-7minutes with cotton cloth or towel enwrapped. You can use it again after It turn to liquid. Be care of scald.Use as the second or more times 3.put the bag on the face wher you need when it’s hot2.You can press the bag face to make the bag flat and the heat can spread easily(do as the second time usage if the bag is solid )1.hold the bag with one hand while press the hot button disc several times inside the bag with the pollex and forefinger of your another hand . The liquid shall turn to solid and release heat soon.Use as the first time:Usage:To be used as a heat source or hot compress when need .Hand warmer: 4、本产品不得食用,严禁儿童咬食。3、用于热敷或冷敷时,请在医生指导下使用本产品。2、当敷袋处于发热状态时,不要再按动发热片,以免故障失效。1、不要用尖锐物品刺磨袋体,或将敷袋随意重压,以免损坏。注意事项: 2、使用时从冰箱内取出敷袋,在所需部位进行冷敷。1、请将处于液体的敷袋置于冰箱冷藏室(非冷冻)内待用,用于冷敷: 3、依照上述使用方法,本产品可连续反复使用,是理想的取暖(热敷)用品。2、待敷袋再次变凉时,依照第一次使用方法,再次按动发热片使敷袋内液体再转变为固体放热使用。1、取暖或热敷60-120分钟后,袋体逐渐变凉,如欲再次使用,请用毛巾或棉布将敷袋包妥(避免袋体与加热容器直接接触)后,放入沸水中加热5-7分钟左右,使敷袋内固体全部变成液体,即可取出使用,此时因袋体处于高热状态,应用毛巾或棉布包裹,使袋体不要直接接触肌肤,以免烫伤。二、第二次使用3、趁热将敷袋放置于你所需要的地方或部位(如冬季被窝内,外衣口袋内或扭伤的肌体部位),进行取暖或热敷。2、在液体转变为固体的同时,可用手掌轻轻按压袋体,使热量均匀扩散,让袋体温度均匀。1、一只手捏住袋体,另一只手之拇指与食指拿住袋内的发热片,上下按动几下,袋内液体将立即开始转变为固体并发热。(当敷袋为固态时按第二次使用之方法)一、第一次使用用于保暖或热敷:暖手袋:   真诚希望与国内外企业合作,与同行企业一起努力,共同创造冷热敷产业辉煌明天!! 以下照片由指定第三方公司于2014年01月实地上门拍摄,并经独立权威机构核实认证!17781


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