供应 琉璃壁饰 琉璃球体壁灯 室外装饰品 琉璃摆饰

品牌: 国产
用途: 常规
包装规格: 常规
单价: 1680.00元/套
供货总量: 100 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 黑龙江 哈尔滨市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-03-11 16:28
浏览次数: 99
  • 厦门馨诺工贸有限公司
  • 联系人赖文琼 (先生) 经理 
  • 邮件xnglass@gmail.com
  • 电话13515977957
  • 手机13515977957
  • 地址中国 福建 厦门 同安区 环东海域湖里工业园80号
供应 琉璃壁饰 琉璃球体壁灯 室外装饰品 琉璃摆饰详细说明
供应 琉璃壁饰 琉璃球体壁灯 室外装饰品 琉璃摆饰的详细内容如下:


厦门馨诺公司是一家专业以吹制艺术玻璃的典范企业。是以吹制艺术玻璃、艺术琉璃生产的优胜企业;拥有最优秀的设计、生产、销售团队和一流的管理。馨诺吹制艺术玻璃采用威尼斯工艺、纯手工吹制技术的专业厂家;是国内完全拥有该工艺和技术的企业。公司首席工艺师吴刚先生,从师于威尼斯吹制艺术玻璃大师德列纳卡里先生,在同行业中享有极高的声誉和威望。我司工艺品种多样,款式新颖,晶莹剔透,反光效果极其璀璨,无论是从产品的设计到着色、造型的大小可根据顾客的需要来量身订制,其可塑性给设计师带来无限的暇想空间。      一贯秉承“100%完美”的产品设计生产理念。在全国各地树立了高品味艺术工程.设计的产品遍布全国并远销世界各地,成长的足迹和荣誉使我司在世界同行业及消费者中有很高的知名度。     我们积极参与世界别墅豪宅的艺术用品、星级酒店、高级饭店装饰材料的销售和设计;凭着雄厚的技术力量,规范的管理体制及过硬的工作作风为馨诺评得良好的市场口碑。     馨诺人的不断努力成果,树立起独特的企业文化和极具规模的服务体系;形成了“专业化”、“品牌化”、“科技化”的优势。馨诺以世界文化为背景、结合现代主义的人文景观,追寻回归自然、返璞归真的审美观念建设起独具风格的企业文化。     “客户满意、”是馨诺人永远的追求。“求实创新、精益求精”是馨诺人的事业精神,”诚实守信、服务至上”是馨诺人的服务准则。

    Xiamen Xinnuo Ltd. is expert in blowing craft glass and coloured glaze which have best team of design, production, sale and management. We are professional at handwork with Venice’s technology in China.Mr. Wu Gang, chief technologist, is learned from Mr. Delenakali who is great technologist in Venice,and is with great reputation in blowing glass.We have plenty of fantastic design. It looks like diamond, glittering and translucent which gives rich imagine for deisgner. It can be made based on customer’s requirement.

     Xinnuo always insist memo of ‘100% perfect product’ and sell high quality product all over China, as well as the world. Furthermore, we actively attend to decoration compete of villa village; hotel; restaurant and other luxurious buildings. We win great reputation because of our good quality; management and working attitude.

     We keep building our unique company culture and system of service. Our compny culture is chasing natural beauty based on world culture and modern artifical view. Furthermore, our advantage in competition is specialty, high quality and technology.

   ‘Customer’s satisfaction’ is target; ‘Reality and innovation’ is spirit; ‘High quality and magnificent art glass’ is our promise.厦门馨诺公司是一家专业以吹制艺术玻璃的典范企业。是以吹制艺术玻璃、艺术琉璃生产的优胜企业;拥有最优秀的设计、生产、销售团队和一流的管理。馨诺吹制艺术玻璃采用威尼斯工艺、纯手工吹制技术的专业厂家;是国内完全拥有该工艺和技术的企业。公司首席工艺师吴刚先生,从师于威尼斯吹制艺术玻璃大师德列纳卡里先生,在同行业中享有极高的声誉和威望。我司工艺品种多样,款式新颖,晶莹剔透,反光效果极其璀璨,无论是从产品的设计到着色、造型的大小可根据顾客的需要来量身订制,其可塑性给设计师带来无限的暇想空间。      一贯秉承“100%完美”的产品设计生产理念。在全国各地树立了高品味艺术工程.设计的产品遍布全国并远销世界各地,成长的足迹和荣誉使我司在世界同行业及消费者中有很高的知名度。     我们积极参与世界别墅豪宅的艺术用品、星级酒店、高级饭店装饰材料的销售和设计;凭着雄厚的技术力量,规范的管理体制及过硬的工作作风为馨诺评得良好的市场口碑。     馨诺人的不断努力成果,树立起独特的企业文化和极具规模的服务体系;形成了“专业化”、“品牌化”、“科技化”的优势。馨诺以世界文化为背景、结合现代主义的人文景观,追寻回归自然、返璞归真的审美观念建设起独具风格的企业文化。     “客户满意、”是馨诺人永远的追求。“求实创新、精益求精”是馨诺人的事业精神,”诚实守信、服务至上”是馨诺人的服务准则。

    Xiamen Xinnuo Ltd. is expert in blowing craft glass and coloured glaze which have best team of design, production, sale and management. We are professional at handwork with Venice’s technology in China.Mr. Wu Gang, chief technologist, is learned from Mr. Delenakali who is great technologist in Venice,and is with great reputation in blowing glass.We have plenty of fantastic design. It looks like diamond, glittering and translucent which gives rich imagine for deisgner. It can be made based on customer’s requirement.

     Xinnuo always insist memo of ‘100% perfect product’ and sell high quality product all over China, as well as the world. Furthermore, we actively attend to decoration compete of villa village; hotel; restaurant and other luxurious buildings. We win great reputation because of our good quality; management and working attitude.

     We keep building our unique company culture and system of service. Our compny culture is chasing natural beauty based on world culture and modern artifical view. Furthermore, our advantage in competition is specialty, high quality and technology.

   ‘Customer’s satisfaction’ is target; ‘Reality and innovation’ is spirit; ‘High quality and magnificent art glass’ is our promise.


产品用途说明     厦门馨诺大型玻璃雕塑有限公司集研发、设计、生产于一条龙服务的企业。公司承袭威尼斯传统工艺、法国浪漫风情、形成了独具神韵的艺术风格。公司产品主要用于办公写字楼、高级会所、豪华KTV、休闲度假村、星级酒店和别墅豪宅等高档室内外场所;成功为您量身定造一个品味高雅的艺术世界。

    Xiamen Xinnuo Big Glass Sculpture Co. Ltd. is a company with research, design and production. Our products are mainly used at Office Building; High Club; KTV; Villa Village; Luxurious Hotel and other luxurious building. We will decorate an elegant world for you whatever you like









核心提示:以上是供应 琉璃壁饰 琉璃球体壁灯 室外装饰品 琉璃摆饰的详细介绍内容,该产品信息供应 琉璃壁饰 琉璃球体壁灯 室外装饰品 琉璃摆饰是由厦门馨诺工贸有限公司提供,如果要了解供应 琉璃壁饰 琉璃球体壁灯 室外装饰品 琉璃摆饰更多的详细内容请与该公司的相关人员联系!

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