美国 Kocour 哈氏槽/Hull Cell

品牌: 国产
型号: 267ml
用途: 常规
包装规格: 常规
单价: 3830.00元/台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 湖南 衡阳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-03-12 09:36
浏览次数: 45
  • 仪高南仪器(深圳)有限公司
  • 联系人李瑞躯 (先生) 销售经理 
  • 邮件eastcota@gmail.com
  • 电话13068486856
  • 手机13068486856
  • 地址广东深圳市福田区田区福田南路7号皇城广场皇舟苑810-811室
美国 Kocour 哈氏槽/Hull Cell详细说明
美国 Kocour 哈氏槽/Hull Cell的详细内容如下:


侯氏槽(267ml1000ml  1/4” 厚有机玻璃制造。

  加热式侯氏槽 267ml1000ml 槽体底部装有铁氟龙涂层不锈钢沉浸式加热器(75 Walts110/220Volts  AC

 空气搅拌式侯氏槽 267ml  1/4” 厚有机玻璃制造。 带打气孔。

 空气搅拌加热式侯氏槽 267ml1000ml 




KOCOUR哈氏槽&霍尔槽&候氏槽&hull cell&赫尔槽

哈林槽Haring cell


哈氏槽 霍尔槽 侯氏槽 Hull cells (美国进口KOCOUR品牌)侯氏槽设备 侯氏槽搅拌器 往复式搅拌器是仿真侯氏槽实验中阴极摇摆情况而设计的。 110/220 Volts60 Hz AC 侯氏槽(267ml1000ml  1/4” 厚有机玻璃制造。包括温度计,波纹状与阳极片,阴极片,金属丝夹子与详细说明书。 加热式侯氏槽 267ml1000ml 槽体底部装有铁氟龙涂层不锈钢沉浸式加热器(75 Walts110/220Volts  AC)并设有恒温控制及阳极、阴极片,尚有534ml 容量以供选择。 空气搅拌加热式侯氏槽 267ml1000ml 除了有恒温控制加热槽体外,亦具有特别的空气歧管。能准确仿真电镀缸中空气搅拌情况。(不包括空气搅拌泵) 印刷电路板槽组件 Kocour PCAR 槽仿真出通孔预钻及印刷电路板电镀铜的变量(螺旋车叶搅拌+空气搅拌+温度) 其它种类的侯氏槽 聚乙烯侯氏槽(267 ml 适合大多数镀液之用。 固体瓷侯氏槽(267 ml 可作一般性或广泛性之用。 极高温电镀液、镀铬液试验俱具超凡的耐久力 侯氏槽阴极片 厚材料制造 高光滑磨光面 表面保护层 有青铜、红铜或钢三种类 适用于267ml 1000ml 侯氏槽之使用 


阳极袋侯氏槽阳极片 高品质 有以下种类供选择:青铜、红铜、磷铜、铅、镍、银、铅锡合金(60/40)、铅锡合金(90/10)、不锈钢316、铂金钛、镉。 适用于267ml 1000ml 侯氏槽之使用 整流机 硅整流机──Model 5D 用于实验室和侯氏槽实验,直流滤波电源,输入110/220V /60Hz,输出0-12V(D.C),无段式调压器。 全波整流,电压及电流表精确度至3%,有初次及两次保险丝保护。尺寸:16”×8”×9”,重量:16.5lbs ──Model 15D 为电镀厂家的实验室设计,高级直流滤波电源,输入:110/220V /60Hz,输出:0-15V(D.C),电流15A 时小于3%波动。 ──Model 25D 超专业级直流滤波电源,输入:110/220V /60Hz,输出:0-12V(D.C)25A 起始电压控制,有电压及电流表,有过热及保险丝保护,无段式调压器,小于3% 波动。 气泵 是空气搅拌式侯氏槽的配件。(110 /220V) 温度计 小型温度计 设计轻巧,方便携带 量度范围:0F – 200F  长度: 电镀用浮动式温度计 设华氏及摄氏二种读数 量度范围:0F – 200F 20 - 100 量度器备受玻璃保护,耐用准确




















Hull Cell Testing EquipmentIn 1935, the E.I. duPont De Nemours Co. asked Kocour Company to manufacture a plating test cell developed in their laboratory. The cell, called a Hull Cell, is a miniature plating unit for producing a cathode deposit that records the character of electroplate at all current densities within the operating range.It is among the most useful tools available to the plating chemist for control of plating baths. It is an indispensable adjunct to standard analytical methods, enabling the skilled operator to determine and control the effects of addition agents, impurities and purification treatments on the plating electrolyte, many of which can be determined by no other method. Practically every plating solution can be controlled or evaluated to varying degrees by the use of the Hull Cell.See features below.Kocour Company offers a complete selection of Hull Cells, accessories and related equipment to enable the plater to effectively use this plating process control method.

Product Features

BrassColor ControlFree Cyanide ControlBrightener ControlCadmiumBrightener ControlDetection of Organic ImpuritiesDetection of Carbonate BuildupControl of Inorganic Impurities - especially Lead, Chromium, Tin and CopperChromiumOutstanding for Control of Catalyst RatioDetection of Chloride and metal ContaminationCopperFree Cyanide ContentLead, Zinc and Chromium contaminationCarbonate Addition AgentsGoldColor ControlAddition AgentsNickelPrimary and Secondary Addition AgentsPittingOrganic Decomposition ProductsCopper, Zinc, Chromium or Iron ImpuritiespH BrittlenessSilverFree Cyanide and Silver ContentOperating pHAddition AgentsTinCaustic ContentAddition AgentsZincSodium Cyanide to Zinc metal RatioZinc ContentCopper, Lead, Cadmium and Tin ImpuritiesEffect of Purification TreatmentsAddition Agents




核心提示:以上是美国 Kocour 哈氏槽/Hull Cell的详细介绍内容,该产品信息美国 Kocour 哈氏槽/Hull Cell是由仪高南仪器(深圳)有限公司提供,如果要了解美国 Kocour 哈氏槽/Hull Cell更多的详细内容请与该公司的相关人员联系!

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