characteristic sandstone

品牌: 自有
用途: 常规
包装规格: 常规
单价: 116.00元/件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 湖南 娄底市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-03-28 19:10
浏览次数: 47
characteristic sandstone详细说明
characteristic sandstone的详细内容如下:

Artificial sandstone is a new type of faux decorative stone products. It is a perfect combination by natural stone materials and modern advanced technology.

Artificial sandstoneis also known as imitation sandstone sandstone or composite.sandstone. It makes natural sandstone powder crushed into fine sand, then add a variety of cementitious materials in recombination, which appea abundant and more complex sense of and exquisite texture of bright sandstone art products, it is also known as Art Sandstone.

Artificia sandstone with tough natural stone texture, durability,characteristic,nature, simple, more incomparable texture of natural stone material, more artistic expression than natural sandstone - whether classical, modern, Chinese, European can be done.Artificial sandstone rich in texture, waterproof, fireproof, high strength, corrosion resistance, pollution resistanc, fine refinement, elegant nature, thickening, so monotonous wall full of three-dimensional sense and sense of movement. Widely used in European or East meets West architectural decoration, decoration material with other high-end with and complement each other, can also be used indoor and outdoor decorative elements (environmental sculpture, landscape gardening, Xiangtie materials, furniture, boutique, craft decorations, etc.

核心提示:以上是characteristic sandstone的详细介绍内容,该产品信息characteristic sandstone是由佛山市顺德区山月工艺美术有限公司提供,如果要了解characteristic sandstone更多的详细内容请与该公司的相关人员联系!

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