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【专家解说】:34 塑料大约需要多久时间才能在自然界中分解() How long does plastic degradation take? A 10年 B 50年 C 100年以上 D 30年 A 10 years B 50years C more than 100 years D 30 years 40 居室中什么地方污染最重()。 Which room is the most polluted in a house? A 卧室 B 客厅 C 厨房 D 洗手间 A Bedroom B Living room C Kitchen D Washroom 39 受到污染之后,受害最重的人群往往是() Of which of the following does pollution most heavily impact? A 老人 B 婴幼儿 C 妇女 D 病人 A Elderly B Babies/Children C Women D patients 22.联合国环境规划署总部设在( B )的首都。 The head office of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is set in the capital of which of the following countries? A、泰国 B、瑞士 C、肯尼亚 D、美国 A Thailand B Switzerland C Kenya D USA 21.中国“植树节”是每年的 。(C ) What's the date for chinese arbor day? A、2月12日 B、3月12日 C、4月12日 D、5月12日 A February 12th B March 12th C April 12th D May 12th 24.世界上最大的哺乳动物是(A )。 The world's largest mammal is A、蓝鲸 B、长颈鹿 C、非洲象 D、鲨鱼 A Blue Whale B Giraffe C Elephant D Shark 29.下列哪个不属于清洁能源。(C ) Which of the following cannot be considered a source of clean energy? A、沼气 B、太阳能 C、煤炭 D、风力 A.methane B Solar power C Coal D Wind power 42.环境保护通俗的说法就是环境卫生。 The generally accepted concept for environmental protection is keeping a sanitary environment 50.虫眼越多的菜说明没有施用农药,所以更安全 Vegetables that appear to be bitten by bugs are safer because it indicates the absence of pesticides.


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