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【专家解说】:我来做点贡献Donovan-Catch the wind In the chilly hours and minutes, Of uncertainty, I want to be, In the warm hold of your loving mind. To feel you all around me, And to take your hand, along the sand, Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind. When sundown pales the sky, I wanna hide a while, behind your smile, And everywhere I'd look, your eyes I'd find. For me to love you now, Would be the sweetest thing, 'twould make me sing, Ah, but I may as well, try and catch the wind. When rain has hung the leaves with tears, I want you near, to kill my fears To help me to leave all my blues behind. For standin' in your heart, Is where I want to be, and I long to be, Ah, but I may as well, try and catch the wind.


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