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【专家解说】:本翻译杜绝机译,请审阅。 近年来我过汽车工业迅速发展,不仅成为我国国民经济支柱产业,而且给人民生活带来 加大便利。In recent years China's automobile industry develops rapidly, it has not only become a pilliar industry in the national economy, but also brought people with great convenience.但是随之而来的环境污染和对能源的大量需求也已显现。However the environment pollutiona and exceeding demand for energy are obvious increasingly. 被誉为最清洁动力的氢能源也是解决该问题的途径之一。Hydrogen that is considered as the cleanest energy is one of the solusions for these problems.很多汽车工业发达的国家在这方面已经走在了前列。Now,many developed countries in automobile industry have been in the leading position in this aspect.我国也同样制定了新能源汽车战略,尤其加快了以氢为能源的燃料电池轿车研发的步伐,以此实现我国汽车工业的跨越式发展,并将在推动全球氢经济发展的进程中占据特殊地位。China has also established the strategy for developing automobiles using new energies, especially accelerated the steps to develop the cars using Hydrogen fuel cell, so as to realize the jumping development of China's automobile industry. And this will occupy a special position in the development process of the global Hydrogen economy


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