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【专家解说】:Outline Ⅰ)Introduction Thesis: With the development of the technology, the quality of popular movies has improved from the classic silent movies. Although they have many differences, they have a lot of similarities as well. Ⅱ)Similarities A. Both silent movies and popular movies used different camera angles. 1) In Metropolis, when Freder saw the Mara’s scarf at a door. The director used reverse angle to show Freder picking it up. 2) In a modern movie like “sleepers”, when the four boys dropped the cart down the steps of the underground, there were many different angles to show that atmosphere. B. Both movies have special effects. 1) In Metropolis, when that bad guy gave the machine man a face, it used special effects. 2) In a popular movie like “Harry Potter”, all the magic that Harry Potter used in the movies were all showed by special effects. C. Both silent movies and popular movies have music to describe the atmosphere. 1) In Metropolis, when “Maria” was dancing on the stage, the changing of the music shows the atmosphere 2) In the movie of “the ring”, then the ghost came out of the TV, the music sounded horror. Ⅲ)Difference A. In silent movie, the music used in silent movies was all original music. In popular movies, a lot of movies use popular music. 1) The music played for “Metropolis” is all create for the movie. 2) In a modern movie like “The boys and girls things”, the music used in that film is Jams Blunt’s high. B. In a silent movie, it used 24 frames per second. In a popular movie, it is digital. 1) In Metropolis, when Rotwang was chasing after Maria he looked strange. 2) In a popular movie like “Dead Poets Society”, when the boys were playing soccer, they looked normal. C. All the special effects were drawn by hand in a silent movie. In popular movies, the special effects were all done by computers. 1) In Metropolis, the changing face of the robot were seems a little bit rough then the modern movies. 2) In Harry Potter, the magic that Harry Potter used was all made by the computer. D. Because the silent movies were black and white, the actor and actress used a lot of make up in order to show the emotion on their face. 1) The face of Maria is extremely white in “Metropolis” 2) In “Dead Poets Society”, girls have little made up to show their beauty. E. In silent movies, because there’s no voice communication, actors and actress does excessive body language to express their feelings. In popular movies with help of the voice communication, actors and actress needn’t do excessive body language. 1) In “Metropolis”, when Freder first saw Maria, he held his hand tightly on his heart to show his love. 2) In “Harry Potter”, when Harry Potter meets QiuZhang, he just smiled and quickly breathed than we know that he love her. Ⅳ)conclusion Thesis: The popular movies will surly get more development in the future. Whatever it changed, the silent movies will always be the most classic one in the movie history and were also good to remember.


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