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【专家解说】:The solar energy is an energy which the solar interior continuously unceasing nuclear fusion reaction process produces. On the earth's orbit mean sun radiation intensity is 1367kw/m2. The terrestrial equator perimeter is 40000km, thus may calculate, the Earth obtains the energy may reach 173,000TW. In the sea level standard peak value intensity is 1kw/m2, the earth's surface some 24h annual mean radiation intensity is 0.20kw/m2, is equal to has 102,000TW the energy, the humanity relies on these energy maintenance survivals, including possesses other forms the renewable energy (geothermal energy resources to be an exception) although the solar energy resources total quantity is equal the energy which uses to the present humanity 10,000 multiple, but the solar energy energy density is low, moreover it 因地而异, from time to time because changes, this is the development the main question which faces using the solar energy. Solar energy these characteristics can cause it to receive the certain limit in the entire synthesis energy system function. 翻译为: 太阳能是太阳内部连续不断的核聚变反应过程产生的能量。地球轨道上的平均太阳辐射强度为1367kw/m2。地球赤道的周长为40000km,从而可计算出,地球获得的能量可达173,000TW。在海平面上的标准峰值强度为1kw/m2,地球表面某一点24h的年平均辐射强度为0.20kw/m2,相当于有102,000TW 的能量,人类依赖这些能量维持生存,其中包括所有其他形式的可再生能源(地热能资源除外)虽然太阳能资源总量相当于现在人类所利用的能源的一万多倍,但太阳能的能量密度低,而且它因地而异,因时而变,这是开发利用太阳能面临的主要问题。太阳能的这些特点会使它在整个综合能源体系中的作用受到一定的限制。


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关键词: 太阳能 光伏

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