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【专家解说】:Solar water heating (SWH) SWH takes the radiation from the sun, present in all forms of daylight, to heat a combination of water and anti-freeze that passes through a solar collector mounted on the roof (as for PV).This is then pumped to a conventional hot water tank that has an additional heating coil, from which the sun is passed to the hot water that comes out of the taps . 【太阳能热水系统(SWH)】 太阳能热水系统是吸收太阳辐射及所有种类的日光,用来加热水和防冻液的混合液,这些液体流经安装在屋顶上的太阳能接收器(作为太阳能光伏PV电源供电系统)。随后这种混合液被泵到一个有额外的加热线圈的常规热水箱中,在这里太阳能被传递到水管中流出的热水中。 Systems can provide a minimum of 60% of annual hot water needs and are always linked to the conventional heating system for back up .There are over 50000 systems of this type in the UK and the cost depends on size and type of systems selected. 这种系统能够提供每年不少于60%的热水需求量,也经常作为支持系统和常规热水系统相连接。在英国有大约50000个这种类型的系统,花费是由所选系统的规模和型号所决定的。 Small scale wind turbines Small wind turbines are sized at a hub height of 25 meters and under. Turbines need to be mounted on a tower of a height that reduces the blocking effect of the buildings,residential properties and trees. They are noiseless,but a planning application will be required . Wind speeds are the vital factor,with wind speeds of 5m/s and above ,at a height of 10m being recommended. 【小型风力涡轮机】 小型风力涡轮机的轮毂高度在25米及以下。涡轮机需要安装在有一定高度的高楼上,以便减低因建筑、住宅房地和树木所产生的截面尺寸效应。它们没有噪音但是仍然需要计划申请。风速是最主要的因素,建议风速大于5米每秒,建筑高度10米。 Biomass heating woodchipsform sustainably mannaged wood sources are a renewable resource and can bi burned in modrn,computer controlled boiler plant to provide space and hot water heating in buildings.They word best when there is a consistent heat demand throughout the heating system and a storage area with easy access is required.Boiler plant costs are higherthan for fossil,but woodchips are with easy access ia required.Boiler plant costs are higher than for fossil fuels,but woodchip are cheaper than gas,oil and coal. 【生物质供热】 从合理利用规划的木材资源中取出的木片,是一种可持续利用的资源,能够被现代社会(原文是不是can be burned in modern??)燃烧使用。电脑控制锅炉厂来向建筑提供空间和热水供暖。他们在有整个供热系统有持续供热需求和获取方式要求简单的缺乏地区中工作(word?work?)最有效率。锅炉厂的花费要比化石燃料高,但是木片的取得要相对容易。锅炉厂的花费要高于化石燃料,但是木片要比天然气,石油和煤炭更加低廉。 Futur of renewable energy Reducing our dependence on fossil fuels such an coal,oil and gas for the production of energy is vitally important,in order to reduce the impacts of global warming and climate change.Without doubt ,renewble energy technologies will play a key role in achiening this,by providing a clean and sustainable source of energy,wohose generation will have no negative effects on the encironment. 【可持续能源的未来】(Future?Future?) 为了减少温室效应和气温变化的影响(impacts),减少我们对于从化石燃料,如煤炭石油和天然气,中制造能源的依赖是极其重要的。毫无疑问,在达到这个目标的过程中可持续能源将扮演非常重要的角色。通过提供可再生的清洁能源,下一代可持续能源将不会对环境产生负面影响。 疯了……到后来好多拼写错误……


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